
You can grind your beans as usual and top with Spice 'n' Nice after tamping. You can also grind Spice 'n' Nice with your coffee and tamp the blended grounds. Pull a shot of espresso! Prepare and add your milk or nondairy product as usual for lattes and cappucinos. Try sprinklign Spice 'n' Nice on top of the foam for a beautiful presentation!

Lavender vanilla latte in glass cup with natural ingredients

Espresso drinks

You can grind your beans as usual and top with Spice 'n' Nice after tamping. You can also grind Spice 'n' Nice with your coffee and tamp the blended grounds. Pull a shot of espresso! Prepare and add your milk or nondairy product as usual for lattes and cappucinos. Try sprinklign Spice 'n' Nice on top of the foam for a beautiful presentation!


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Iced Drinks

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